Measurement Data (Sayama Plant)

Measurement Data (Sayama Plant)

Wastes and Substances of Concern


More than 99.5 % of emission is subjected to the thermal recycle or material recycle.

Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total discharge amount including wastes ton 483 344 342 310 272
Sludge kg 392,720 276,300 276,400 247,780 218,630
Metals(battery) kg 25 283 272 275 589
Wood kg 3,720 6,510 2,300 1,510 1,530
Oil kg 9,610 10,200 10,367 8,939 9,898
Acid kg 6,833 9,635 12,908 10,228 11,715
Alkali kg 17,180 7,070 7,670 6,960 4,370
Glass and ceramics kg 25,975 16,660 15,920 15,830 4,050
Plastic kg 27,064 17,116 16,170 18,687 21,635
Other(Low and high concertation PCB waste) kg - - - 18 -

Water Quality

As to drainage, according to the inspection based on the laws and regulations, there is no abnormality.

Hazardous substance

item Unit Limit Measured value
Cadmium and its compounds mg/l 0.1 < 0.001
Cyanogen compound mg/l 1 < 0.02
Organophosphorus compound
(Only Parathion, methyl parathion, methyl demeton or EPN)
mg/l 1 < 0.1
Lead and its compounds mg/l 0.1 < 0.01
Hexavalent chromium compounds mg/l 0.5 < 0.005
Arsenic and its compounds mg/l 0.1 < 0.01
Mercury and its compounds mg/l 0.005 < 0.0005
Alkyl mercury compounds - Not to be detected Not detected
Polychlorinated biphenyl mg/l 0.003 < 0.0005
Trichloroethylene mg/l 0.1 < 0.001
Tetrachloroethylene mg/l 0.1 < 0.001
Dichloromethane mg/l 0.2 < 0.002
Carbon tetrachloride mg/l 0.02 < 0.002
1, 2-Dichloroethane mg/l 0.04 < 0.004
1, 1 - Dichloroethane mg/l 1 < 0.02
Cis- 1, 2 - Dichloroethane mg/l 0.4 < 0.04
1, 1, 1 - Trichloroethane mg/l 3 < 0.001
1, 1, 2 ‐ Trichloroethane mg/l 0.06 < 0.001
1, 3 - Dichloropropene mg/l 0.02 < 0.001
Thiuram mg/l 0.06 < 0.006
Simazine mg/l 0.03 < 0.003
Benthiocarb mg/l 0.2 < 0.02
Benzene mg/l 0.1 < 0.01
Selenium and its compounds mg/l 0.1 < 0.01
Boron and its compounds mg/l 10 < 0.2
Fluorine and its compounds mg/l 8 4.6
1, 4 - dioxane mg/l 0.5 < 0.05
Ammonia and its compounds, Nitrous acid and nitric compound mg/l 100 3.6

Other drainage

item Unit Limit Measured value
pH pH 5.8≦ Χ ≤8.6 7.5
BOD mg/l 160 5.4
COD mg/l 160 3.0
SS mg/l 200 2.0
n-Hex (mineral oil) mg/l 5 < 1
Phenols mg/l 5 < 0.5
Copper mg/l 3 < 0.2
Zinc mg/l 2 < 0.05
s-Fe mg/l 10 < 0.3
s-Mn mg/l 10 < 0.1
Nitrogen mg/l 120 11.90
Phosphorus mg/l 16 < 0.06

Related Input material amount

Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Type A Heavy Oil 1,040 680 1,250 2,400 1,130
City gas m3 0 135,287 237,439 213,540 192,934
LPG m3 95,303 31,511 8,442 8,430 5,585
Electric Power MWh 29,861 24,207 23,242 23,203 19,225
Water m3 308,272 263,464 255,277 240,597 228,097
Water (Intensity) m3/pcs 0.00400 0.00242 0.00144 0.00135 0.00125